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How to Do Winery and Spirits Direct Deals without Distributors

Written by Ben Salisbury | 7/5/22 8:29 PM

This webinar recording will show winery and distillery owners how to create their own winey (or spirits) direct deals. Simply put, these deals allow wineries to bypass the "traditional" 3-tier distributor route (legally) and use the retailer's "clearing distributor" to bring the wine directly into the retailers warehouse. This allows the retailer to make a much larger profit margin. Also adding to the appeal to the retailer (and their ability to make more profit) is the fact that these are little-known brands that do not have broad retail distribution. Doing these winery direct and spirits direct deals is very much a state-by-state thing. If you do not already have a traditional 3-tier distributor assigned in a particular state, then this makes you a perfect candidate to put together one of these deals. This webinar recording will teach you exactly how to do it!